Marian Hosking-a garland of the bush

Marian Hosking

Marian Hosking

Marian Hosking is a preeminent Australian jeweller, recently designated a ‘living treasure’ for her contribution to the national craft scene. Marian trained in the RMIT Gold & Silversmithing department and following that the Fachhochschule für Gestaltung, Pforzheim. She is currently head of the jewellery department at Monash University, where she is currently acting Head.

Marian’s work explores the artistic quality of silver, using a unique combination of casting and drilling. Using silver as a creative language, she is able to express quite rare forms of Australian nature. Her work attends to the fine detail of flora, rather than the large iconic forms.

Her work for the Welcome Signs exhibition uses the form of the garland to gather elements of Australian bush. For a recent essay about Marian’s work, go here.

Marian Hosking - two silver garlands (Mallee gum buds & Gum nuts chain)

Marian Hosking - two silver garlands (Mallee gum buds & Gum nuts chain)

One thought on “Marian Hosking-a garland of the bush”

  1. I heard you were going to be part of the Silver Jubilee Exhibition at Wangaratta Gallery, this year, which prompted me to look you up!

    In another life, we spent a weekend at Mt Baw Baw (was it your family’s hut?) with Heather Biggart (?) (Rushworth) and Lesley Spencer. I have no idea what the other 2 are doing. I would like to catch up with Heather one day…

    I am a retired secondary art teacher. Still enjoy making art works.

    I look forward to seeing your work in Wang.


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