![]() “Imperdibles”, 2006, 3 superficies de 30 x 30 centímetros, construidas con imperdibles (ganchos de seguridad) metálicos. |
It’s been a while since we had the meeting in Valparaiso where we brought craft practitioners from across the south. There was far too much to show, and too little time to hear it all. Afterwards, I asked some of the local artists to provide me with an image and text of their work. I’ll post this material here, hoping that it might gather some interesting possibilities. |
Artist statement in Spanish: Cursé estudios universitarios en diseño hace dos décadas y, desde ese momento, mis actividades han estado relacionadas con las artes visuales a través del textil. El objeto central de mi investigación está enfocado en las preguntas derivadas de la noción de tejido. Como artista y docente, mi compromiso reside en acercar el textil a aquellos nuevos ámbitos que ofrecen las artes contemporáneas, desplazando operaciones tradicionales hacia derivas más experimentales. Todo esto, se refleja en tres conceptos que forman y dan sentido a mi trabajo. La transformación de los materiales, lograda a través de la integración y coherencia formal en la construcción de las piezas. La reiteración, entendida como elemento narrativo que el tejido permite para la formación de superficies. Y, finalmente, la exposición de la fragilidad que existe en los procedimientos manuales y sus productos, sean estos complejos o simples. |
Artist statement in English: I studied design at university two decades ago and, from that moment, my activities been have related to the visual arts through textile. The central object of my investigation is focused in the questions derived from the weave notion. As artist and teacher, my commitment resides in approaching the textile with the new spheres that emerge from the contemporary arts, moving traditional operations towards more experimental drifts. All this, is reflected in three concepts that form and give sense to my work. The transformation of the materials, obtained through integration and formal coherence in the construction of the pieces. The reiteration, understood like narrative element that the weave allows for the formation of surfaces. And, finally, the exhibition of the fragility that exists in the manual procedures and their products, be these complex or simple. |